Thursday, May 31, 2012


Hello, i'm starting a new character.This time, he will be an human (wizard). He will have 3 head versions: caucasian, african and asian.

WIP | Caucasian head SPOILER (click to expand)
I took Iain Glen (Jorah Mormont in Game of Thrones) for reference.

Starting to find the main shape of his head: 2 hours after the beginning:

Daily Little update:


Hey !

I started to paint his face :)

Hey ! I have finished to retopologize his face and i have baked diffuse, normals and AO.
I have to finish his texture (hair; adding more details) and create the specular and glossiness map !

New update:

WIP | African head SPOILER (click to expand)

Time is coming to start the african version of my wizard's head !


Retopology was done ! A little preview with diffuse/normal/spec and gloss (not final version):

WIP | Asian head SPOILER (click to expand)

Monday, May 7, 2012

R.A.W. Update

Hey everyone !

3 new videos about RAW: realms of ancient war.
A Hack&Slash game.
I 've worked on characters and light & FX

Official website HERE

The warrior preview:

The wizzard preview:

Action Game footage:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

BLOODBATH - Minotaur

Hey ! I've started a new character for Bloodbath.
This time i work on a Minotaur.

WIP SPOILER (click to expand)

I started from Zsphere. After have using of Dynamesh tool for moving parts of him, i make a quick retopology.

Ok, I've to finish his armor... see you soon !

Little (very little) update:

Another one (little update):

MorningStar weapon:

I've started to paint with polypaint my Minotaur:

10441 tris...

I have to continue my textures

turn in video: